Paint Pour
Creativity is the name of the game, so I am ALWAYS looking for new and decidedly messy ways to get creative! Being march break I also...

A little bit of Om...
It's well known that I just can't seem to stop reno-ing our little house. We have now changed every room, except the front hallway...

Wood Plank Floors
A year or so ago we updated our kitchen to be a modern version of an old farm house kitchen. After it was all said and done, we found we...

Custom Wedding Guest Book
What a pleasure it was to be asked to do this custom piece for a friend for her summer wedding. The first step was to draw out a template...

Upcycled coffee table
Every upcycler knows that every once in awhile you make a really great find, that nearly builds itself. As most of you know, I am all...

Foyer Upgrade
Having a small house, just 1,2oo sq ft. with a family of 6 certainly raises the challenge of keeping organized. With two boys in school...

Our Little house on the Royal.
Sometimes when you aren't elbow deep in a project, you have a look around and realize, you have a even bigger (more expensive) project...