Make This: Coat Rack
My Love of pallet crafts has allowed me to make beauties like this! Some pallets offer hard woods such as maple and oak, others are made from softwoods such as pine and spruce. This little beauty was made from a pine pallet. It's a simple design of five boards cut to a 32' length with spacing between each board measuring 3 & 3/8' with the end boards measuring to 16' centers in order to be hung on the studs. #8 tapered head screws were used and pre-drilled in order to sit flush in the cleats. 8 screws per board assures a firm hold to hang coats and bags and the hooks used are antique pewter. I used a chocolate brown water based stain, rubbed on with a rag to inhance the wood grain. Over all work time (with 2 hours for stain drying) was 5 hours. An easy project for a lazy Sunday afternoon :)